The PDB is divided into three specialist areas: Dummy Technology, Simulation und Biomechanics/Human Body Models.
Dummy Technology
The PDB’s many task areas include examining and improving car safety test equipment as well as participating in the development of new test devices.
The most well-known car safety test device is the crash test dummy. A crash test dummy is a model based on the human body and equipped with extensive measuring technology, which represents vehicle occupants in crash tests. Tests with dummies must be reproducible, i.e. the same results must always be achieved when a test is repeated.
The PDB checks the effectiveness of various types of dummies in diverse scenarios to ensure that they deliver meaningful, reproducible results in crash tests. The knowledge gained by the PDB on the characteristics of dummies is an important source of information for both manufacturers and users and serves as a basis for improving dummies and vehicle safety.
Over time, many different kinds of dummies have been developed and incorporated in the legislation of various countries. This has led to divergences in the global market. In order to achieve worldwide harmonisation of measuring equipment and methods in vehicle safety, the PDB participates in national and international committees, playing a part in shaping existing and future standards and actively supporting the harmonisation of crash test dummies.

The specialist area of simulation focuses on the numerical models of the objects used in tests – which are primarily the dummies.
In order to maintain and increase its competitiveness the industry needs to optimise its product development process using state-of-the-art methods. One of the most significant changes in the development process in the last 20 years is the use of numerical simulation. In a computer simulation, experiments are carried out with numerical models of dummies and vehicle components in order to improve and optimise real-world systems.
The task of the PDB area specialising in simulation is to analyse and evaluate numerical models of dummies and test objects in terms of their prognostic accuracy. Knowledge gained here is used directly to improve the models by way of cooperation with commercial model suppliers. A marked improvement in the reliability and informational value of numerical simulation is thus achieved and the development of vehicle passive safety systems optimised as a result.
In addition to analysing and improving existing models, cooperation on new developments also falls within the simulation area’s range of activities. Consequently, the PDB’s tasks also include defining model requirements, identifying physical model characteristics and their mathematical modelling as well as the important issue of validating (checking) models by means of real-world tests.

Biomechanics/Human Body Models
Biomechanics is the scientific discipline that uses the terms, methods and laws of mechanics to analyse biological systems. The branch of biomechanics concerned with how injuries are caused is known as trauma biomechanics.
Vehicle safety is one of the most important requirements in modern vehicle manufacturing. During the course of vehicle development it must be ensured that, in the event of an accident, the risk of injury to those involved is kept to a minimum. Injuries are caused as a result of mechanical impact on the human body. A basic knowledge of trauma biomechanics is therefore required in order to develop and design technical systems to reduce the risk of injury.
The specialist area of biomechanics within the PDB was conceived as a centre of competence for the German automotive industry in the field of trauma biomechanics. In this instance the PDB serves as an organisation with the task of knowledge management. The key task of this specialist area involves the identification, acquisition, preparation and distribution of knowledge relating to biomechanics.
An important focal point is the area of so-called human body models. The PDB also participates in the evaluation of numerical models of the human body in order to be able to serve as a competent point of contact in the forward-looking field of biomechanical computer simulation.
Through active involvement in international committees the PDB supports efforts to harmonise the assessment of biomechanically relevant factors worldwide in order to define standard and realistic guidelines for vehicle safety.
