The software CORA (CORrelation and Analysis) provides an objective evaluation of time-history signals, e.g. derived from test and simulation. The software combines two independent sub-methods, a corridor rating and a cross-correlation rating. The corridor rating evaluates the fitting of a response curve into user-defined or automatically calculated corridors. The cross-correlation method evaluates phase shift, shape and area below curves. The use of both of these two sub-methods is essential because the disadvantages of each sub-method are compensated by the other method. The philosophy of this tool is to separate engineer’s knowledge from the algorithms. External parameters to adjust the algorithms are representing this knowledge. So it is possible to tune the evaluation to the specific needs of the application.

Follow the link to download the latest release of CORA including some examples, the documentation and some publications related to CORA. CORA is a command-line tool and available for Windows and Linux computers as a 32-Bit version. The software is for free.


Download CORA 3.6.1 (release date 2012-10-02)


CORAplus is supplemented with the option to compute a rating according to ISO 18571.

Download CORAplus 4.0.5 (release date 2021-10-19)

- Minor bugfix when using a large number of channels or tests in one control file

Download CORAplus 4.1.1 (release date 2024-05-17)

- Updated to latest ISO/TS 18571:2024


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